Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

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Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Pokaholic » Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:58 am

Yesterday I posted about having problems downloading PT3 and getting an XML error message. As it turns out, it was related to my CA Security Software interfering.

I am still having the same problem starting PT3 with CA firewall turned "on". If I disable the firewall, PT3 starts fine. WhenI enable the firewall, after opening PT3, everything continues to run smoothly. So, there is something that CA Security does nor like. I have granted FULL permissions to PT3, but it does not appear to help in starting PT3. As far as I can remember, this id\s the only application that I have had a problem launching since I got CA Security about 5 months ago.

On another note, I improted my Stars hands last night. Everthing went smoothly for the most part:

1st import - 115 files 5600 hands imported in 1:06 minutes at a rate of approx 80/sec. 18 duplicates and 0 errors
2nd import - 4,664 files 516 hands imported in 11 seconds with 88 duplicates. PT3 froze up at this point
3rd import - 4,664 files 274,191 hands iported in 123:37 minutes at a rate of approx 55/sec. 24,032 duplicates and 109 errors.

The 2nd and 3rd attempts were the same files from my archive folder.

All hands were from Full Ring Games and Tournys (MTTs, SNGs, R/As, Satellites, etc.) I haven't gotten around to exploring the tourny section much but will in the next few days.

The total hand count between PT2 and PT3 is only off by a few hands.

I played with the auto import a little bit today and was impressed. It appeared to pick up hands almost instantly upon being written.

I downloaded the Beta2 version tonight and got a message that I was using an old database and that I should reate a new one. Is this going to be something that is necessary with each update? IF so, I may not load all my archived hands for a while, but rather limit to the last few months.
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:13 am

We will probably recommend starting a new database rather frequently.

In your case, it is not needed this time around.

Best regards,

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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Josh » Sat Jan 26, 2008 9:46 am

The database schema will likely change several more times over the next couple of weeks. Probably not for every release though. If you want to do a large import, I suggest starting it before you go to bed and letting it run overnight.

As for this:

[quoterem]2nd import - 4,664 files 516 hands imported in 11 seconds with 88 duplicates. PT3 froze up at this point
3rd import - 4,664 files 274,191 hands iported in 123:37 minutes at a rate of approx 55/sec. 24,032 duplicates and 109 errors.

The 2nd and 3rd attempts were the same files from my archive folder.[/quoterem]

Was this with beta 2? And let me make sure I understand it right. You imported the files once and it crashed. You imported the exact same files again, with the same version of PT3, and it didn't crash?
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Pokaholic » Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:57 am

[quote4pn]Was this with beta 2?[/quote4pn]

The three import attempts were with the initial beta.

[quote4pn]You imported the files once and it crashed. You imported the exact same files again, with the same version of PT3, and it didn't crash?[/quote4pn]

That is correct.
I picked the folder and sent it on its merry. It locked up. After about 45 minutes still said the same inport info.
I killed the process and did the same thing and it went fron start to finish.
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Josh » Sat Jan 26, 2008 11:14 am

How does beta 2 work? Have you tried the import with it?
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Trimax » Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:12 pm

I had the same problem with CA Security Center soft (XML parsing error: 'sintax error' al line 1)

I disabled CA soft and installed the PT3 beta 2 with postgreSQL. Then i run PT3 and enable de CA.

Then, I try to import all my hands from the history files (pokerstars and party) at once time. It went in the beginning very fast, but soon, one went away more and more making and slower (1 or 2 hand/second), and a lot of error. When it reached 30K hands (and more 2K errors) it freezed (I've about 70K hands in those histories). It did not give any error, but it did not advance anything and I stopped manually.

All of the errors were at PS hands. Error like this: PokerStars: Unable to import hand (#11060109614. Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY tourney_holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: index "thhs:idx3-hand_no" is not a btree CONTEXT: COPY tourney_holdem_hand_summary, line 1: "8755 100 79 22 640 11060109614 2007/07/21 21:28:26 2008/01/26 16:32:06 8 2 2 0 13709.00 0 7612 6 16 ..." )

I tried to create an alias of the party's account , first time this error jumped[bntm]Unable to execute query: UPDATE tourney_holdem_hand_summary SET id_winner = 8 WHERE id_winner = 11 AND id_hand = 21; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: index "thhs:idx3-hand_no" is not a btree )[/bntm]. In the second try the PT3 freeze (non response).
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Josh » Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:40 pm

It looks like your database may have become corrupt. Try creating a new database and import into that one.
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Trimax » Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:40 pm

I had imported the two (PS and Party) separately and now its run.

I can see the Party stats in the tab [General] but the PS stats generates an error of SQL [url=http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.jpgzui][imgzui]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/8889/errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.th.jpg[/imgzui][/urlzui]

Its happens the same error in tabs [Hands] [Sessions][Positions] and [Winnings]
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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby APerfect10 » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:31 pm

[quote="Trimax"0hx]I had imported the two (PS and Party) separately and now its run.

I can see the Party stats in the tab [General] but the PS stats generates an error of SQL [url=http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.jpg0hx][img0hx]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/8889/errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.th.jpg[/img0hx][/url0hx]

Its happens the same error in tabs [Hands] [Sessions][Positions] and [Winnings][/quote0hx]

This is with Beta 2?

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Re: Difficulty initiating PT3 & Beta2 install question

Postby Trimax » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:33 pm

[quote="APerfect10"zq1][quote="Trimax"zq1]I had imported the two (PS and Party) separately and now its run.

I can see the Party stats in the tab [General] but the PS stats generates an error of SQL [url=http://img136.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.jpgzq1][imgzq1]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/8889/errorstatsgeneralpartyqt0.th.jpg[/imgzq1][/urlzq1]

Its happens the same error in tabs [Hands] [Sessions][Positions] and [Winnings][/quotezq1]

This is with Beta 2?


Yes beta 2, I said it in mi first post in this thread.
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