PT3 restart error

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PT3 restart error

Postby DrKK » Sat May 17, 2008 3:06 am

I don't know if this is already known but since this is the bug section I'll post it anyhow.

My HUD went down so I figured that closing import and PT3 and then restart the program would be an option, however it says after trying to restart that a version of PT3 is already running. So I could not get the HUD appear again, while it was working at the beginning of the session (HH import etc works fine now, however sometimes I have to re-select the HH-folder cause it says it does not have permission to read the folder. The HH folder is a default folder by EVP). In addition, I could also not get the software running again! :S

When I log out from my PC and log in again, restart, everything it works again.

Don't if its me, or it is the software. Anyone else same?

EDIT: to program is also not listed in my taskmanager. OS is XP sp2
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby Josh » Sat May 17, 2008 10:59 am

So PokerTracker.exe was NOT listed in your task manager, but you still got that message?
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby DrKK » Sat May 17, 2008 11:55 am

yes exactly

I also tried uninstalling the software, removed the database in postgres admin and installing PT3 biuld 2 again and the problem stayed.
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby YudiKorsow » Sat May 17, 2008 12:07 pm

I have had this problem too. PT3 seemed to be crashing so I shut it down. But it still stayed in my Task manager - so I killed it there and killed the process as well. Still I could not restart it, had to reboot PC.

Whats more, PT becomes completely unresponsive when I have a few windows of Everest tables open. Everest itself and rest of windows runs fine, and i had auto import off. Upon alt-tabbing to PT3, it tries to display the PT screen and then takes like 5 minutes to render the screen - as if my CPU and RAM are totally maxed out ? I did notice then under processes that Everest with 4 tables takes a whopping 190MB of memory, but still, I have 2 GB of Ram.....
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby YudiKorsow » Sat May 17, 2008 3:14 pm

Update to my post on PT crashing: it has happened a few times the way I described, but is not consistently happening. E.g. just now after a reboot I had 4 tables open and PT3 ran fine.... odd.
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby DrKK » Sat May 17, 2008 4:52 pm

I have exactly the same. Crash of PT3 when running several EPV tables. Mostly it goes wrong when I want to try to get the hud correct. Whem my stats fall off or adjust the settings.
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby SoreNuts » Sun May 18, 2008 9:46 am

DrKK wrote:I have exactly the same. Crash of PT3 when running several EPV tables. Mostly it goes wrong when I want to try to get the hud correct. Whem my stats fall off or adjust the settings.

Same troubles here with everest and pt3.
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby Josh » Sun May 18, 2008 12:16 pm

So this only happens with Everest?
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby DrKK » Sun May 18, 2008 3:58 pm

I have not tried other pokersites yet. I will do that.
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Re: PT3 restart error

Postby potmo » Sun May 18, 2008 6:46 pm

I had this happen to me while attempting to start tracker one time. It was listed in the taskmanager (processes tab not application tab) (twice actually) and I deleted it and then got tracker running again. I think it froze up because I accidently tried to open it twice though.
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