HUD is showing 3 different stats???

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HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby cubaner » Sat May 17, 2008 9:57 pm


i really dont get it, here one example from a table i played today (both screenshots are just one minute apart, so the big difference in numbers is not because of played hands meanwhile)...

the HUD is showing 18 hands, 56 vipip all the time and never updates the number of hands, when i put the mouse over the vpip the HUD is shoowing 161 hands and 42 vpip, when i use the popup stats the HUD is showing 189 hands and 43 vpip...

i really don´t get it could anyone pls explain that 3 stats thing (i guess the stats when i put my mouse over the stats are for the session only?)

+ tell me, why the "normal" stats at the table never update while the popupstats do? (autoimport is running of course)

thanks a lot
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby prajna » Sat May 17, 2008 11:21 pm

If you look, stats are updated on a schedule depending on how many hands have been played by that user. This is because if it were to update EVERY TIME, you could quickly lag your system down. This is probably what you are seeing here. If you want to change this, go to the drop down menus of the main program. Configure -> configure stats -> (cash or tourney), and then click on the Hud Options. In the lower right hand corner, you will see Refresh rates. min = minimum number of hands, max = max number of hands, refresh rate = how often it refreshes (x number of hands it will refresh).

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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby cubaner » Sat May 17, 2008 11:30 pm

this wasn´t the problem, i played this guy more than one hour and the HUD never changed that "18 hands" (the popup stats did update)
i need to know why the table stats show me 18 hands from the player, while the popup stats at the table show 189!
...where are those 161 session hands from, when i put he mouse over the table stats?

for me it makes no sense, that there are 3 different values for one player in your hud, and if this isn´t ugly enough, the table stats are based on the smalest number of hands (18) which is dangerous!
with that never updating table stats i base my desicions on complete wrong data and this is a big problem, pls give me instructions how to fix that :o
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 18, 2008 6:11 am

Please reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log to the Support system, along with some screenshots and link to this thread..
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby cubaner » Wed May 21, 2008 10:48 am

nice idea, i am waiting since 3 days and nobody is answerig to my ticket :roll:
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby Josh » Fri May 23, 2008 1:30 am

I apologize for the delay, but we have been getting thousands of support tickets and forum questions over the past week, so we are a good bit behind. We're working on catching up as fast as possible.
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby sprstoner » Fri May 23, 2008 2:05 am

mine has done this as well, but only was happening one day, never happened agaIN.
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby jawe » Fri May 23, 2008 6:16 am

@cubaner: are you guys using two databases? if yes, this is the reason because PT3 is currently not working with 2 databases.
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby Sasolini » Fri May 23, 2008 7:22 am

jawe wrote:@cubaner: are you guys using two databases? if yes, this is the reason because PT3 is currently not working with 2 databases.

Is that true?!?!?!!? I both is because it should support 2 databases??
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Re: HUD is showing 3 different stats???

Postby jawe » Fri May 23, 2008 7:40 am

No no,

of course it will support 2 databases but at the moment there is a bug (at least on stars and full tilt) that when you are using two databases, the hud shows data from one database(in my case and some others from the observed hands) and the pop-us shows the data from the other one(the one where your played hands are written in).

that's the reason why the stats on the hud aren't updating.

you can check this if you search for the player in the holdem tab. there you will see from where the data is read from.
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