just me or the new version even worse?

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just me or the new version even worse?

Postby sprstoner » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:42 pm

all the same crashes, but the hud stats are disappearing for me now too, i guess they did make some changes. i think maybe the hud stats disappearing, might just be the hud crashing without getting the pop up error message.because it doesnt seem like they come back on, and i have to shut down pt3 and start it back up for it to work, and 2 times click the pt windows the error msg did come up. guess ill post in this thread if i learn more about this new (apparently) occurrence.

also because of the database changes that were supposed to be made, that took .5 seconds so i assume it didnt happen. i exported all my hands and re-imported them. hoping that would help something. it didnt, and also pt3 kept freezing up at the same hand number in the ftp folder it was importing. after 3rd of 4th try i got it to go through. still having probs.

if i go back to beta 14, how long do i have till it expires? ( i already posted my logs (for the hud crash) for 15 on support ticket, which prob show the same thing as 14, 13.1, 13, and 12, but they are posted).

also i cant remember if build 2 had this same hud crash, or if it was a different crash... i remember the betas crashing a lot more than build 2, but build 2 was crashing, plus b2 didnt show hero stats.

what should i do? im sooo about to give up on you guys, and chalk it up as a $90 bad beat.
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby keggler » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:50 pm

if you revert to a basic hud for now (by renaming layouts.pt3) do the hud stats get more stable?

how many hands in your db prior to the conversion?

remove the rogue ft hand from the import folder and submit that hand to support...

what rooms and limits does this happen on?

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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby sprstoner » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:54 pm

keggler wrote:if you revert to a basic hud for now (by renaming layouts.pt3) do the hud stats get more stable?


keggler wrote:how many hands in your db prior to the conversion?


keggler wrote:remove the rogue ft hand from the import folder and submit that hand to support...

not sure how to find which HH is doing this or even how to remove it if i could, it did finally import.

keggler wrote:what rooms and limits does this happen on?

i play both stars and ftp at same time, only tournaments and sngs.
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby HeldvomFeld » Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:39 pm

same thing here. Hud seems to work alright, although it slows the computer down a little, but then disappears all of a sudden and wont come back up until i restart pt3. This is on ipoker. Beta 14 worked much better for me.
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby keggler » Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:55 pm

sprstoner wrote:all the same crashes, but the hud stats are disappearing for me now too

got me a bit stumped now - i play a lot of MTT's on Full-Tilt with Beta 15 and don't get any crashes or lost hud's...

so, logically it must be your system or your database (we've proved a default hud doesn't help)...

what would happen if you [temporarily] used a brand new db for a while? can you try this for a couple of days?

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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby sprstoner » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:38 am

keggler wrote:
sprstoner wrote:all the same crashes, but the hud stats are disappearing for me now too

got me a bit stumped now - i play a lot of MTT's on Full-Tilt with Beta 15 and don't get any crashes or lost hud's...

so, logically it must be your system or your database (we've proved a default hud doesn't help)...

what would happen if you [temporarily] used a brand new db for a while? can you try this for a couple of days?


without exporting and reimporting into the new one?
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby daven » Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:42 am

a suggestion - from someone who had an extremely bad (read: costly) initial experience with 3.15...

1) If you haven't checked the 'enhance hud performance' checkbox in the Configure HUD - cash screens-HUD options, then do so
2) changed the stats update options to refresh less frequently, and to display no stats until 25hands are logged against a player.
3) also disabled display mucked cards

this worked wonders for me, removing lag while playing 10-16 fullring cash tables at full tilt
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby sprstoner » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:55 am

daven wrote:a suggestion - from someone who had an extremely bad (read: costly) initial experience with 3.15...

1) If you haven't checked the 'enhance hud performance' checkbox in the Configure HUD - cash screens-HUD options, then do so
2) changed the stats update options to refresh less frequently, and to display no stats until 25hands are logged against a player.
3) also disabled display mucked cards

this worked wonders for me, removing lag while playing 10-16 fullring cash tables at full tilt

i dont really get lag, it just crashes all day.
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby sprstoner » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:56 am

new hud error for me, the new beta blows


also sometimes all the hud stats will rotate onto the wrong ppl, this was never an issue before either.... are we downgrading or what?
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Re: just me or the new version even worse?

Postby keggler » Thu Jul 24, 2008 6:27 am

the screen grab with an array out-of-bounds looks like a rogue hh in the database that's causing the code to go over - that's a code fix problem for josh - so i guess enable logging and a support ticket for that one - maybe that's one of the rogue hh's you had problems importing? if that could be isolated when you do an import (it tells you the #'s as it imports), i'm sure that would be really useful for the support team...

so try the new db idea and start importing some new stats for a while (i know this loses your historic data for now - sorry) and daven's ideas sound like a good try as well...

then maybe we try re-importing your old hands, wait for that import error - note that hand, remove it - create another new db and re-import again without the rogue hand(s)?

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