by Chaser8 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:31 pm
[bm0u]First of all, after I load up pgadmin, and "connect" to postgresql database server, I see that my chaser database has a big red X on the icon. When I click the chaser database, I get this msg:[/bm0u]
Database encoding
The database CHASER is created to store data using the SQL_ASCII encoding. This encoding is defined for 7 bit characters only; the meaning of characters with the 8th bit set (non-ASCII characters 127-255) is not defined. Consequently, it is not possible for the server to convert the data to other encodings.
If you're storing non-ASCII data in the database, you're strongly encouraged to use a proper database encoding representing your locale character set to take benefit from the automatic conversion to different client encodings when needed. If you store non-ASCII data in an SQL_ASCII database, you may encounter weird characters written to or read from the database, caused by code conversion problems. This may cause you a lot of headache when accessing the database using different client programs and drivers.
For most installations, Unicode (UTF8) encoding will provide the most flexible capabilities.
and now this is what I get in the backup:[/bm0u]
\connect "CHASER"
SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
-- TOC entry 1733 (class 0 OID 0)
-- Dependencies: 4
-- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: Chaser
COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema';
-- TOC entry 301 (class 2612 OID 16386)
-- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: Chaser
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- TOC entry 1307 (class 1259 OID 16409)
-- Dependencies: 4
-- Name: blind_structure; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: Chaser; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE blind_structure (
blind_structure_id smallint,
blind_structure_desc text,
big_bet integer