by Zouleous » Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:36 pm
[quote="pokerrow"ddd]Was fooling around with all the different places I could think of (not that I know them all) to check out access rights: Control Panel/User Accounts, file/shortcut properties, etc. I forget where, but in one of the lists, my name didn't resolve right away...there was a strange string that after a moment resolved into my user name...[/quoteddd]
This number you saw that eventually resolved to your name is an SID or Security Identifier. This is how Windows looks at your security rights. When you are part of a Domain, the Domain Controller will assign you this identifier so it knows how to handle the object in question (in this case your login account). Windows knows this SID once you login, but to translate it to a name that you understand it has to look up that SID which takes time to do. The SID could remain on the screen if you were to delete a user account. You would see the ACL's (Access Control Lists) still have the SID for that user account although now it can't resolve it because the account no longer exists. This creates an orphaned SID that no longer points to an object (login account).