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In a panic, I tried this little experiment;
Unloaded F-Secure from the F-Secure icon. Then I removed all other fs** files in my Task Manager ( I seem to remember there were still 3 or 4 processes named FS**). I also removed some unrelated processes.
The results were phenomenal. You know when you stop/start postgres, and those dots dance across the little box, sometimes going on and on and on? When I did those removals, then started postgres it took 3 dots. Happened so fast I could only count to three, and was done. PT3 then loaded up faster than I ever saw it load before. And after loading the time between seeing the full PT screen, and actually being able to do anything (like import) was very very short. This is how we all hoped PT3 would act.
So, I'm thinking that I will generally disable F-Secure, leaving it on my machine and force myself into at least weekly, letting it do deep scans when PT is not running. Then disable it, and perhaps use a free Firewall that is known to work without screwing up PT3.
I too will be joining the emailing hordes, clammoring for a fix from F-Secure. Of note here is that I didn't see the problem until last weekend, where as many showed this problem a month ago or so. I had my auto updates turned OFF until the 1st of April or so, and didn't, apparently, get the update that causes the problem until then. However, the performance improvement when F-Secure was unloaded on my system was enormous, so there are other software issues involved than just the most recent updates.