netizen wrote:I'm playing on Heypoker with their new javaclient. All was fine yesterday with 3.10 - found the directory and imported hands, no problem. So I updated to 3.11.1 mainly in order to fix the hud overlap when tables overlap...ok, that's gone. However, PT3 imports the hands and assigns them date 1/1/1970. My PC date is fine, when I open the handhistory.txt it also reads " Start hand: Wed May 25 22:23:22 EEST 2011".
EDIT: oh, there's one more thing. Apparently split pot counts as a LOSS, for both players... ... erpt3.png/
the same problem with your new BETA
now everythiing is alright with allin pots of more than 1000$, BUT all the hands are from 1970))))