I am using DSL with Windows XP, no wireless, 3.2 G processor, etc., and can see no specific time or event that is resulting in the HUD disappearing required Reset after almost evey hand. I am still watching for this.
... now noticing that HUD disappears around the 50th hand (requiring Reset after almost every hand; tourn of Full TIlt) then around the 60th hand it is 50-50 chance that HUD will either disappear or remain but not update (can lag by 7 hands before disappearing).
Is it possible that a `cache' area for played or processed hands is bottle-necking somewhere, or getting clogged by a slow process being overwhelmed by hands? (only playing single table)
The disappearing stats issue should be resolved in the next release. If you aren't getting any stats at all though, that's a different problem. Please reproduce, then attach the PokerTracker.log file to a support ticket.