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Can't convert a PT2 POSTGRES DB???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:58 am
by bilbosan
The search didn't help me here, I just get a lot of hits about the HUD, so excuse me if this has been asked.

When I go to "Database" => "Convert" => "Convert a PT2 Database", I get a list of my Access DBs, but none of the Postgresql DBs that my PT2 has. My PT2 Access DB has a whopping 381 hands from before I converted.'ve converted to postgres but you can't convert a postgres DB to PT3? That doesn't seem right. Am I missing something

Re: Can't convert a PT2 POSTGRES DB???

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:51 am
by Josh
You've got that backwards I think. PT3 does not detect or even try to detect Access databases, only PostgreSQL.

Re: Can't convert a PT2 POSTGRES DB???

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:54 am
by bilbosan
[quote="Josh"8dc]You've got that backwards I think. PT3 does not detect or even try to detect Access databases, only PostgreSQL.[/quote8dc]

Then something's wrong. I've got a PT2 Psql DB with ~ 75k hands in it. So, 3-400 hands isn't what I expect.

Does it only import hands based on Hero names?

Re: Can't convert a PT2 POSTGRES DB???

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:48 am
by Josh
It will only import PokerStars, PartyGaming and Full Tilt hands. Could that explain it?
