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Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:36 pm
by Togozner22
So Beta 16 constantly kept crashing on Pokerstars. Whenever I have 6 tables open, so 6 huds aswell and I close 1 table and join a new one then on the new one there is no hud so I restart PT3 and then it crashes and Pokerstars will crash aswell.

Edit: Database is okay my mistake

Re: Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:25 am
by WhiteRider
Togozner22 wrote:So Beta 16 constantly kept crashing on Pokerstars. Whenever I have 6 tables open, so 6 huds aswell and I close 1 table and join a new one then on the new one there is no hud...

Does this happen if you do the same with a single table open?
Is this cash tables, or when you get moved tables in a tournament.

Please enable logging, reproduce the problem on as few tables as possible and submit your PokerTracker.log and PokerTrackerHUD.log files (zip/compress them first, call it to the Support system , and link to this thread in the reference field of the ticket so that we can investigate.
Please note the time of the error, and which table you don't see the HUD on. I restart PT3 and then it crashes and Pokerstars will crash aswell.

Exactly when does it crash? When you try to stop it, or after the restart - when you start importing, or just at some random point?
Again, if you can reproduce this consistantly please submit your logs.

NOTE: When you restart PT3 the log files will be overwritten so make sure you take a copy of them (zip them) before starting it up again.

Re: Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:55 am
by Togozner22
Next session I will enable logging.

Let's say I sit at 4 tables on Pokerstars and I change to another table than first of all no hud will appear on the new table, so I restart PT3, but then the huds on the other 3 tables crash and so does Pokerstars.

Re: Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:05 am
by WhiteRider
The HUD won't appear on the new table at Stars until you have played a full hand and it has been imported, so you need to wait for a while.

Before you close PT3, do you stop the auto import, or do you just close PT3 straight away?

Re: Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:20 pm
by Togozner22
WhiteRider wrote:The HUD won't appear on the new table at Stars until you have played a full hand and it has been imported, so you need to wait for a while.

Before you close PT3, do you stop the auto import, or do you just close PT3 straight away?

At a new table I wait for a while but after 30 hands still no hud, even tho the hands are being imported.

And before I close PT3 I stop auto import.

Re: Beta 16 crashing+database gone

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:29 pm
by WhiteRider
Are you using a different theme on your pokerstars table?
(I guess if it's working on tables initially this won't be the problem)

Please submit your log file for as few tables as you can to reproduce the problem.