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Compact a Database

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:54 pm
by Flopspanker
1.Pokertracker told me to compact my database. Can this have negative changes on the work of Pokerace Hud?

2.PokerGrapher doesn't work anymore. Can this be a problem with Pokertracker?

Re: Compact a Database

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:34 am
by APerfect10
[quote="Flopspanker"cqi]1.Pokertracker told me to compact my database. Can this have negative changes on the work of Pokerace Hud?[/quotecqi]

No, this will not affect PokerAce Hud.

[quotecqi]2.PokerGrapher doesn't work anymore. Can this be a problem with Pokertracker?[/quotecqi]

I am not sure. I doubt it...

Best regards,

