nothing happening when i start pt3

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nothing happening when i start pt3

Postby donkism101 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 2:46 pm

i tried to post in the other topic, nobodys answering so ill start my own.

i start pt3 and absolutley nothing happens. i wait and wait and nothing. i try again and it says pt3 is running. i tried to got ctrl + alt + delete. under the process tab i deleted what the other post said and tried again. same thing is happening - nothing. now im looking at the process tab again and it has pokertracker.exe in there and 5 postgres.exe in there what can i do to make this work? should i uninstall everything and try again? this is irritating, it should just work lol.
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Re: nothing happening when i start pt3

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:25 pm

Please see my reply in the other thread...

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