
Experiencing technical difficulties? Think you've found a problem with PokerTracker 3? Report it here.

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Postby Flopspanker » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:16 pm

What shall I do? I dont know which HandHistory is the "error"!

The message says: DBCode: -1 Error Text: Database transaction information not availbale.
Call SetTrans or SetTransObject function ....

Can I delete the problem if I use Pokertracker 3? Does PAH run with PT3? Do I have to pay for PT3 if I already payed for PT2?

Lot's of questions!
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Re: Error

Postby Josh » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:21 pm

Is this a PT2 error message?
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Re: Error

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:52 am

[quotexh6]Can I delete the problem if I use Pokertracker 3? Does PAH run with PT3? Do I have to pay for PT3 if I already payed for PT2?[/quotexh6]

PokerAce Hud does not support PT3; only PT2. We will not be releasing the PT3 Hud for a few more weeks.

Yes, you will need to pay to upgrade from PT2 to PT3 once it is commercially released. Since you are an existing PT2 owner, you will receive a discount which is outlined in the [url=]PokerTracker 3 - FAQ's[/urlxh6].

Best regards,

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