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(Manual)Import Hangs up

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:26 am
by fill87

I think I found a bug in the Import Function. I'm using PT3 since B3 and now i updated to B5.
I finally managed to set up my (dedicated) server on witch runs now PSQL. I'm ssh-tunneling
the DB port but I dont think this has to do sth. with the issue.

Before I updated to B5, I backed up the Processed Folder, then deleted it, and run the update.
I configued the new database and startet to import from the backed up dir. The import went
really fast but then it stuck on a file. I found out that (dunno why) some files were double in
the folder:
[code2ab]FT99999999 Lala (6 max) - $200-$400 - No Limit Hold'em - Logged In As foobar_1
FT99999999 Lala (6 max) - $200-$400 - No Limit Hold'em - Logged In As foobar_2[/code2ab]
The content is exact the same (so i guess the issue comes from an md5 check or sth?). When
PT3 Import reaches the 2nd file it stucks. I cannot stop the import or term the app. The HDD
seems to work hard (LED) and doest stop if I hit the Pause Button.
After I deleted the second one it went fine.


Re: (Manual)Import Hangs up

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:32 am
by fill87
The bug also happens if the file sizes are different (e.g. *_1.txt is shorter that *_2.txt) but the session is the same!

Re: (Manual)Import Hangs up

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:42 am
by Josh
Please attach these files to a support ticket and I'll take a look at them.

Re: (Manual)Import Hangs up

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:53 am
by fill87
Hm... I dont think it depends on the file but i sesend u one by PM... I tested a lil bit around and i
guess it happes if there is ANY hand double? Can this be? Im getting ~115 Hands/s. But if the
encounters a double hand, he doest import ANYthing more (or it slows [ut5m]drastically [/ut5m] down?)

I hope PT4 will be Open Source, then I could try to make a patch myself ;).
