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Hud Pop Up Problem

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:01 am
by indianlil
Hi guys, i have a problem with my hud pop up.
Basically everytime i open a table all the pop ups for all the players explode into life and cover the whole table
This leaves me unable to see anything thats happening on the table.

Please Help Soon!!!!!!!!

Re: Hud Pop Up Problem

PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:48 pm
by kraada
It sounds like you edited your HUD configuration and changed the "Default Popup" group to be "Show on Table for Everyone" rather than "Popup Use Only"

Click Configure --> HUD --> Cash or Tournament, whatever you play, go to the Groups tab and click on Default Popup. Change the type to Popup Use Only. Then click on the General Stats group and make sure that it's popup is set to use Default Popup and you should be all set.