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"Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:54 am
by ttplayertt
Unable to import since the day I used "enhance performance" option. This is on Stars. I am also a Vista user if that factors in.. Here is what appears in the IMPORT STATUS window:

" PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: C:\Program Files (x86)\PokerStars\HandHist!\pkrI7OlIl0\pkrI7OlIl0\HH20081119 T120443052"

I'm sure that if I could just reinstall PT# I could solve this issue but I have already used my 2 liscences.

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:00 am
by WhiteRider
Is that for every HH file?

Is Stars installed in English?
Are you using Vista?
Are you running both PT3 and Pokerstars as Administrator? Right click the shortcut and select 'Run As Administrator'. This is different to being logged in as an Administrator.

PT3 Importing FAQ

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:20 am
by ttplayertt
This is for every HH file.

Running as administrator with Vista, yes.

Stars installed in English.

Also, I purchased and installed table tracker. This and the "enhanced performance option" occured before this sudden problem. Would the fact that I didnt use these two options with my other Vista computer and it imorts fine be the cause?

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:27 am
by WhiteRider
No, that shouldn't affect imports.
Please enable logging, reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log file to the Support system , and link to this thread in the reference field of the ticket so that we can investigate.

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:33 am
by ttplayertt
What if I simply unistall/reinstall since this the same computer, would it accept the same code?

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:37 am
by WhiteRider
Yes, it will accept the same code.
You shouldn't need to uninstall - just install over the top.
If that doesn't do it, only uninstall/reinstall PT3, not postgres.

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:19 pm
by dustindb
Was this ever resolved? I am having the same problem. I get the same error messages for both Stars and Full Tilt. PT3 has been working (mostly) for a few months and then it started doing this a few days ago. I reinstalled, but I didn't uninstall and reinstall.

Re: "Unable to load hand history file"

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:41 pm
by kraada
I don't remember hearing about a final resolution; try uninstalling then reinstalling and if that doesn't work, submit your logs in Beta 24 to us via the support system and we'll look into it for you.
