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"show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:08 pm
by stevens465

I'm running beta 23, over 1mil hands in db, and the postgres server is on the network.

WHen I go into my cash hud options and change the "stats from last x" hands to 500, my hud no longer pops up. I waited for about 10 hands to import and still nothing. But as soon as I change it back to 0, the default value, everything works again. What could be the issue?

FWIW, at the end of hands it DOES show the hands that were shown down, so the HUD is sorta working.

THanks for your help.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:57 pm
by HeroInBlack
I am having the exact problem as you. I have put in a support ticket, and they are working on it.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:57 am
by kraada
We've also done some looking into query optimization for the HUD which will be available in the next release which might help with this as well.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:46 am
by WhiteRider
stevens465 wrote:I'm running beta 23, over 1mil hands in db, and the postgres server is on the network.

WHen I go into my cash hud options and change the "stats from last x" hands to 500, my hud no longer pops up. I waited for about 10 hands to import and still nothing. But as soon as I change it back to 0, the default value, everything works again. What could be the issue?

Can you please clarify - is this cash or tournaments?
We seem to have different bevahiour for cash and tournaments - can you please explain exactly what you're seeing.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:37 pm
by stevens465
WhiteRider wrote:
stevens465 wrote:I'm running beta 23, over 1mil hands in db, and the postgres server is on the network.

WHen I go into my cash hud options and change the "stats from last x" hands to 500, my hud no longer pops up. I waited for about 10 hands to import and still nothing. But as soon as I change it back to 0, the default value, everything works again. What could be the issue?

Can you please clarify - is this cash or tournaments?
We seem to have different bevahiour for cash and tournaments - can you please explain exactly what you're seeing.

This is for NL cash games on pokerstars. The HUD normally displays the stats of me and the other players, but it does not work if I put the hud option to "show last x hands". If I use the default value of 0, it works and the HUD stats show up immediately, if i set it to non-zero, e.g 500, nothing shows.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:52 pm
by kraada
How long have you waited? With the "show stats from last x hands" feature, the PT3 cache has to be disabled, and without the PT3 cache the HUD queries take a lot longer. If you play on a table with people you don't have hands on though the HUD should show up pretty quickly even with last X hands enabled.

Also, do you see the PT Icon or nothing at all?

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:10 pm
by stevens465
I waited for about 10 hands both times that I tried it. I see the PT icon, and i see the hole cards that pop up during the end of the hand. Also there are a couple of guys on the table who i recognize and have thousands of hands on, but there were others who i don't recognize. No stats for anyone pop up. Also, the minimum that i set to show stats for anyone is > 5 hands.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:55 am
by kraada
In that case, please enable logging (Configure --> Options --> Logging Enabled and restart PT3) and import while playing with the show from last X hands enabled for one full orbit then attach the C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\PokerTracker.log and C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\PokerTrackerHud.log files to a support ticket and we'll look into what could be causing this for you.

I just wanted to check to make sure the HUD was detecting the table; it is, or you wouldn't have the PT3 icon and mucked cards, but we'll look into why the actual stat boxes aren't popping up.

Re: "show stats from last x hands" not working

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:05 am
by WhiteRider
Thanks - that is the same behaviour reported by another player. Please submit your ticket as Kraada suggests, the more information we have about this the better.
