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Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:36 am
by zerozero
Just downloaded Beta24.
Now the "Fold BB to SB Steal" - stat (HUD) shows allways "NA" for all players.
Seems to be a bug!
In Beta23 this stat works fine for me.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:20 am
by WhiteRider
Thanks - this is a known issue. SB steals are not being recognized. The development team are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:02 am
by Josh
This was fixed in the re-release of beta 24. Please redownload it and reimport your hands.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:21 pm
by zerozero
Josh wrote:This was fixed in the re-release of beta 24. Please redownload it and reimport your hands.

No, sorry, it's not fixed for me.
I redownloaded the re-release of beta24, created a new db and reimported all my hands (ca 300k), but it still shows "NA". :(

Now I'm back to beta23, this version works.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:02 pm
by WhiteRider
zerozero wrote:
Josh wrote:This was fixed in the re-release of beta 24. Please redownload it and reimport your hands.

No, sorry, it's not fixed for me.
I redownloaded the re-release of beta24, created a new db and reimported all my hands (ca 300k), but it still shows "NA". :(

Now I'm back to beta23, this version works.

It is working for me in Beta 24 - if you have a hand history or 2 that should show as steals but don't, please attach them to a ticket on our Support system so that we can investigate.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:03 am
by zerozero
Hi WhiteRider!

I'm not really interested in searching hands and creating a support ticket any more:
I'm still waiting for reply to ticket #33588 (Sep 25!!), this problem isn't fixed until now! :evil:

Did you create a new db and re-import your hands?
Then you should see "NA" for all players.
If you take an old db (created with beta23 or earlier) you may see values for "Fold BB to SB Steal" , but they never change in beta24.
(FullTilt & Pokerstars)

If you still can't reproduce this bug I will search for a few hands and attach them to a new support ticket.
And maybe, in the meantime, someone will reply to #33588...

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 6:42 am
by WhiteRider
You got a response to ticket 33588 on the same day and haven't replied since..
You can always check the status of tickets using the "My Tickets" link in the Side Navigation bar on this site.

Yes, I have tested a new database using the hand histories that I found when testing the bug with SB steals in the original Beta 24 release and they now import correctly.

Ahhhhhhhh - I've just realised the problem. I noticed this last night actually - it is not to do with the importing of steals by the SB - they are imported correctly, it is to do with the way that particular stat "Fold BB to SB Steal" is calculated.

A bug was fixed for Beta 24 but that stat was built to work around the bug, and it wasn't updated to use the now corrected database field. I have notified the development team about this.

I have attached an updated version, but since the stat in question is a built in stat you can't overwrite it so you will need to import this one and use it instead of the built in one for now.
Please note, however, that I'm not convinced that it is currently possible to build a completely accurate version of this stat. The one I attach should be pretty good, but it doens't cover absolutely all cases. It should give you a decent indication of the BB's play, but it isn't 100% accurate.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:49 pm
by zerozero
WhiteRider wrote: I have notified the development team about this.
I have attached an updated version, but since the stat in question is a built in stat you can't overwrite it so you will need to import this one and use it instead of the built in one for now.

Thank you for your fast work, good job!

WhiteRider wrote:You got a response to ticket 33588 on the same day and haven't replied since...

Yes, there was a reponse:
"Thank you for contacting PokerTracker Support. I have forwarded this issue to our lead developer Josh who will take a look at the issue and try to get it fixed. Thanks for your help."
But, four months and six betas later, this issue still isn't fixed!
(I test it with every new beta)

(And why is the status: "waiting for your reply" ? What should I do?)

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:27 am
by kraada
Confirming that it isn't working on new Beta versions is a good thing to do; that way when our lead developer goes to look at that bug from the bug report the last the he sees isn't several months and several revisions old.

Re: Beta24: Fold BB to SB Steal

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:58 pm
by djadi

i have the same problem with the attempt to steal especially in HU games can you give me the attachment to
solve my problem?


