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Yes, I have tested a new database using the hand histories that I found when testing the bug with SB steals in the original Beta 24 release and they now import correctly.
Ahhhhhhhh - I've just realised the problem. I noticed this last night actually - it is not to do with the importing of steals by the SB - they are imported correctly, it is to do with the way that particular stat "Fold BB to SB Steal" is calculated.
A bug was fixed for Beta 24 but that stat was built to work around the bug, and it wasn't updated to use the now corrected database field. I have notified the development team about this.
I have attached an updated version, but since the stat in question is a built in stat you can't overwrite it so you will need to import this one and use it instead of the built in one for now.
Please note, however, that I'm not convinced that it is currently possible to build a completely accurate version of this stat. The one I attach should be pretty good, but it doens't cover absolutely all cases. It should give you a decent indication of the BB's play, but it isn't 100% accurate.