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MT Ratio

Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:33 pm
by MacAnthony
If you view session data grouped by time, how is it that you can have a MT Ratio below 1?
Re: MT Ratio

Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:07 am
by APerfect10
It's impossible to have an MT ratio below 1

Obviously a bug...
Please open the Sessions tab and display by time then send us the PokerTracker.log file via the [url=]Support system[/url865] so that we can look into and resolve the issue.
Best regards,
Re: MT Ratio

Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:50 pm
by MacAnthony
I think it should be easy to reproduce. Seemed to have happened when I had a multiple single table sessions in a row. For instance, I sit at one table for 20 minutes, leave the table, and sit at another table 5 minutes later. Then it would could both of those sessions as a single session (which is ok) but counts the time I wasn't at a table as a portion of the total and give me a MT ratio of < 1.
Re: MT Ratio

Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:27 am
by Josh
This isn't a bug. PT3 considers them belonging to the same session. If there's a five minute break between tables, that's five minutes you weren't playing, thus your MT ratio will be lower than 1 (because you weren't playing 1 table 100% of the time).
Re: MT Ratio

Fri Mar 14, 2008 1:40 pm
by APerfect10

Nothing like being flat out wrong... haha
Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: MT Ratio

Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:44 pm
by MacAnthony
Ok. I can see why it isn't a bug, but is that the way it should be working? Do I care if I took a 5 minute break to piss or make some popcorn? Most of the time, it ended up being a case where my table broke and it took me a few minutes to find another table, get a seat and wait for the bb to come around to me. The only reason I noticed this was I was doing some calculations to see if/how more tables are influencing my winrate. This is throwing off my calculations a bit.