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Username listed twice

Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:28 pm
by K_Kahne_Fan
I'm not sure why, but my username appears twice and I have to click each to view the stats of each, which doesn't give me a full view. Is there a way to fix this?
Sample Image
Re: Username listed twice

Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:26 am
by Josh
Try creating a new database and re-import. This bug was fixed in Beta 6, but requires a re-import.
Re: Username listed twice

Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:39 pm
by K_Kahne_Fan
What would be the correct steps for doing this? I would hate to delete my HH.
Also, when the official version is available, will the HH transfer from the Beta?
Re: Username listed twice

Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:32 pm
by Pilli
[quote="K_Kahne_Fan"lfd]What would be the correct steps for doing this? I would hate to delete my HH.
Also, when the official version is available, will the HH transfer from the Beta?[/quotelfd]
In Pokertracker do the following:
Top menu -> Databases:
- Select Database Management
- Click on New.
- Fill in a name (Postgresql details should be ok as they are).
- Click create.
- Select the database in the database management screen and set active/default.
- Go to the import screen.
- In the preferences set import played hands/import observed hands to your new database.
- Go to manual import and import the hands from the processed folder of pokertracker (If you have it set to move all HH's after importing).