Party Tournaments problem

Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:46 pm
by PsychicSykes
I downloaded the beta earlier today and set about importing my PartyPoker hand histories into the database. The cash game tab is spot on but unfortunatley the Tournaments tab seems to believe I've never cashed and have a ROI of -100%. I've enclosed a link below to show what I mean.
Re: Party Tournaments problem

Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:03 pm
by APerfect10
Tournament summaries are not in your hand histories. You will need to manually request the tournament summary(s) from PartyPoker. They should then email these to you. Copy/paste these summaries into a text file and manually import this file and your finish, amount won, total players, etc will be updated correctly.
We plan to add a lot of features to make this process much easier...
Best regards,