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New database created

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:18 am
by nammer21

Just created new database to converge to separate SN's. Couple questions.

a) How do I check that every hand has been imported. I.e. I have datamined a lot of hands and want to compare the total hands between the two databases.

which leads to the next question.

b) Should I delete the last database? If so, how do I go about it? (don't want to mess anything up).

Re: New database created

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:39 am
by APerfect10
[quote="nammer21"i84]a) How do I check that every hand has been imported. I.e. I have datamined a lot of hands and want to compare the total hands between the two databases.[/quotei84]

The only way would be to open pgAdmin3 which is located in your PostgreSQL/<version>/bin directory. You will need to connect to PostgreSQL and verify/compare the number of rows in each table. See the attached image.

[quotei84]b) Should I delete the last database? If so, how do I go about it? (don't want to mess anything up).[/quotei84]

Yes, after you verify that everything was converted properly then I see no reason why you would need to keep the old database. You can remove it in PT3 via Database->Database Management, select the Database name and click 'Delete'.

Best regards,
