Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

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Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

Postby awj94122 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:36 pm


I'm sure many of you have seen this error before. Essentially, I had to reimage my hard drive. I reinstalled all programs including Poker Tracker 3 and the PostgreSQL system. When I loaded PT3, I got the error message:

"Poker Tracker was unable tyo connect to any PostgreSQL databases. Please make sure you have PostgreSQL running."

So I stopped and started the system, with no apparent effect. I clicked the settings button in the main PT3 screen to look for my screen name, and was unable to find it. I reconfigured my Poker software to work with PT3, reloaded the program, and repeated all the above steps all with no apparent effect. I remember this happening before, and it turned out to be a relatively easy fix--I just don't remeber the solution. I am running Windows XP v 2002 with service pack 2. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

Postby WhiteRider » Fri May 01, 2009 4:28 am

Did the postgres install complete successfully?
Did you install it manually or using the PT3 full install version?

Is the postgtes service running? Task Manager > Processes: do you see any postgres processes?
If not, try Start > Programs > Postgres > Start Service. Anything now?

If not, you can re-install postgres by following this guide: How to reinstall Postgres
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Re: Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

Postby awj94122 » Fri May 01, 2009 9:16 pm

Thank you for getting back to me. The only process I can see that might be related is something called sqlservr.exe that appears to be something else. I don,t see anything that I can definitely say is related to PostgreSQL. Also, the process seems to remain wheter or not I start or stop the service. I will try the reinstall and see what happens. Thanks again for the help.

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Re: Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

Postby awj94122 » Fri May 01, 2009 11:38 pm

I ended up reinstalling the PostgreSQL database, and am currently repopulating hands into a new database. The procedure appears to be working.

To anyone else reading this post, Whiterider definitely knows the inner workings of PT and PostgreSQL. Thanks again for the support.

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Re: Poker Tracker was unable to connect to PostegreSQL databases

Postby WhiteRider » Sat May 02, 2009 5:47 am

You're welcome - glad you have it working again.
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