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Importing Problem: WinXP Emulator + Mac OS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:52 pm
by tmemmerson
I am have a difficult time importing observed FTP 6-max NLHE hands into my PT3 B6 database. I have been using this version for awhile, but bought a new computer that I have been trying to configure. I have mac OSX 10.5.2, with WinXP running via Fusion Emulator. I run FTP on Leopard, and PT3 within the emulator currently. I have the hand history file of FTP shareable to the emulator, and in theory, accessible for PT3 to auto-import. Despite my best efforts, I continue to receive the below error message. On a side note, I didn't even know "monitory" was a word, contributing to my confusion.

[color=#FF0000idn]Unable to launch auto-import for site: Full Tilt. Reason: Unable to monitory FullTilt directory: \\.host\Shared Folders\Hand Histories[/coloridn]


Re: Importing Problem: WinXP Emulator + Mac OS

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:22 pm
by APerfect10
Monitory isn't a word. :) It's a typo and should be 'monitor'.

It appears like PT3 does not have permission to access this directory. Have you provided read permissions to PT3? (I am not familiar with emulator software on Mac OSX)

Best regards,

