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HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:33 am
by euneva
as u probably know Party already started switching full-ring tables from 10-seated to 9-seated
i use PT3beta28.1 (since in 28.2 my HUD wont work, but this is another story).
i own my PT3 license since 1 year and i'm generaly satisfied so far.

i use preferred seating option in both PT3 and and Party and everything works correctly fine except that HUD position is messing around sometime its position like 2 stats overlaying near same player and all the rest position corectly near rest of the players.

i corectly repositioned manually and "save layout" several times using both following settings:
- preferred seating option ON in both PT3 and and Party
- preferred seating option OFF in both PT3 and and Party

but after playing with "preferred seating option ON in both PT3 and and Party" after sometime or for a new opened table, the HUD mesing around like i described above. i strongly believe that is due to new 9-seated tables which i play on Party and the options from PT3 settings where the combo-box has only 2-6-10 seated options to choose from, but no "9-seat table" option.

it is almost impossible to use HUD when i cannot rely on who's stats belong to who according to its positions
1. how should i manage my problem?
2. when PT3 (in which version) will add a "9-seat table" option in the Party-configuration 'Preferred Seating' combo-box?

thanks in advance for support!
hope this thread will solve my issue (even if several posts/questions/answers will be needed)
best regards!

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:45 am
by euneva
it seems that on PT3 'Preferred Seating' combo-box for PokerStars-configuration the "9-seat table" option is present and maybe if this would be also available in the PT3 settings for PartyPoker configuration my above issue will be solved...

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:02 am
by WhiteRider
Yes, we'll need to add the 9-seat option. The development team are aware of the changes.

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:56 am
by euneva
ok. thx for the answer so far.

anyway, i wonder why nobody (from the players) noticed that yet. maybe i'm one of the few PT3 users who still play 10NL and everbody else move to higher limits where "10to9-seat change" was not performed yet...

- is the date of "adding the 9-seat option" already scheduled and/or in which future version will be included?
- so just for me to be sure, my issue was due to "9-seat option" missing?

best regards!

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:58 am
by kraada
I don't have a specific date, but I don't think it should take that long. Unfortunately I cannot guarantee anything.

But it does sound like your problem is related to the 9 seat tables.

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:20 am
by euneva
hmmm... i'm sad to hear that :( i thought that at least a promise like "it will be added in the next beta 28.3" even if the date is not established yet...

in fact, PartyPoker upgraded its software/tables and PT doesn't know if they will upgrade too in next version according to Party changes...?!? :shock:

PartyPoker announced that 10NL is only the beginning and they will change all full ring tables from 10-seated to 9-seated because it is an "industry standard" as they said.

because of this HUD doesn't work for all PartyPoker-PT3 players on the new tables. don't you think that this is important enough to include it in the next beta version?

i hope i was polite and explicite enough.
best regards!

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:43 am
by kraada
We are aware of the issue and we are working on it. Until I get confirmation from the development team that the feature will be in the next Beta it wouldn't be fair of me to promise it for you. For what it's worth, I'm hoping that it will be in the next PT3 release, and if it isn't I'd be very surprised if it weren't in the release thereafter.

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 3:55 am
by euneva
As previously announced PartyPoker already changed ALL full-ring tables from 10-seated to 9-seated since yesterday... :!: :?

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:02 am
by kraada
Beta 28.3 fixes this Party issue; you can download Beta 28.3 directly as linked in this post.

Re: HUD bugs on Party new 9-seat tables

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:56 am
by assitoni
it does not solve the problem with PartyPoker

are you sure kraada that this beta is supposed to solve Party problems and not only the Stars problem?
