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beta 28.3 - color conditions messed up

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:35 am
by guru

I tried to import stats I exported from beta 27.1 into 28.3, but my color conditions are not taken over.
I downloaded the Advanced HUD from the repository. The color conditions are messed up too.
E.g. the color conditions of the stat "Att to Steal - colored" depend on "Fold to Steal Blind Reraise" values. Other conditions of other stats depend on things they shouldn't do as well.

Re: beta 28.3 - color conditions messed up

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:24 am
by guru
reinstalling 28.3 didn't help btw..

Re: beta 28.3 - color conditions messed up

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:00 am
by kraada
Try removing and reimporting the stats into Beta 28.3 and see if that fixes things. There were known issues in the early Beta 27s with importing color conditions.

Re: beta 28.3 - color conditions messed up

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:55 pm
by guru
Ok, 28.3 seems to work fine. I had to redo all my color conditions for the stats I exported from 27.1 though, which was quite annyoing.
Exporting from 27.1 to anywhere (even back to 27.1) looses the color conditions.

E.g. the color conditions of the stat "Att to Steal - colored" depend on "Fold to Steal Blind Reraise" values. Other conditions of other stats depend on things they shouldn't do as well.

I Didn't read the description of the adv. HUD, the dependencies are intended.

The stat "3Bet Preflop NvBS - colored.pt3stat" in the adv. HUD doesn't define any colors for me, which I found rather confusing.

Re: beta 28.3 - color conditions messed up

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 5:23 pm
by kraada
You are not alone, we are going to look into what could be causing this and make sure we get it fixed for a future release.