Unable to install PT3 + few problems/possibilites

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Unable to install PT3 + few problems/possibilites

Postby LSP16 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:33 pm

Hello, I am running PT2 at my office CPU and its working pretty well... However I think my Access Database is full and I'm unable to imports hands...

I have few possibilities but nothing is working right now.

1. Install Pt 3 (not working here because I am not an administrator on the system and it doesnt seem to work because of that) (Plus I dont have PostGreSQL)

2. Install PostGreSQL on PT2 (dont work cause I cant find the proper an easy version to download...+ it may cause problem with my non-administration status)

3. Create another Access databse... ( I dont want to loose my current stats + I dont know how to create a 2nd access database...)

Idea someone???

Thank you
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Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:43 am

Re: Unable to install PT3 + few problems/possibilites

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:29 pm

[quote="LSP16"2rp]3. Create another Access databse... ( I dont want to loose my current stats + I dont know how to create a 2nd access database...)[/quote2rp]

In PT2, go File->Maintain Poker Tracker Database Names. Click 'Add' and in the 'DB File/DB Name/DSN' column, select 'Create a new empty Access database'.

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