PT3 does not import

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PT3 does not import

Postby pokeruwe » Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:06 am


I tried several beta version, but they all had the same error: they did not import!

I'm working under Linux with VMware and Windows for poker software. My Postgres is under Linux. This works with PT2 and all other software. Maybe PT3 has problems with that. I can not import hands (PokerStars). Some versions could import a few hands, but stopped in between. Beta 6 does not start to import at all.

This is really annoying. I hoped it would go away in further version, but nothing happened :(

So what can we do about it? I can send a sample hand history if necessary, but I doubt this is the problem.
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Re: PT3 does not import

Postby Josh » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:42 am

Are you trying the auto-import or the manual? What exactly happens when you try to import?
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