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Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:53 am
by BatsShadow
.50 NL doesn't match and I do not have any filters on. ... ker3b6.gif

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:19 am
by Josh
Did you experience a crash during an import? Did you import these with the latest beta version?

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:28 pm
by BatsShadow
I used beta6, but now that you mention it, I believe I recall a crash at some point. I will try to reimport everything on a clean db and see if the problem turns up again.

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:14 pm
by TonyB73
I'm the same - Player Summary and Player Stats don't match at any of my three limits. No filters on, and no crash during setup.

The only unusual thing during setup was that I had a whole lot of hand histories on another machine, that I copied over while I had Auto Import turned on. As soon as I pasted them into my HH folder PT3 tried to pick them up, and I got errors on the first 10-12 sessions but then it seemed to adjust and picked up the rest. I reloaded the ones that failed and they seemed to work fine the second time.

Is this something that might have caused the problem? Could those HHs have loaded into Stats (which seems to be complete) but not into Summary?

And if so, what should I do to fix it? Do I need to reload the whole lot into the (or a new) database?

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:19 am
by BatsShadow
I started a new database and reimported and it looks like the problem went away.

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:33 am
by Josh
TonyB73, what kind of errors did you get?

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:45 am
by TonyB73
Thanks for replying Josh.

I don't know what sort of errors they were - it was a few days ago and I didn't write them down unfortunately, and they're long gone from my import status window now. Is there any way to retrieve them?

The problem seems to be fixed now in any case - I downloaded and installed Beta 7, created a new database and re-imported my entire hand history, and now they match up.

Re: Summ. and Stats grids don't match - but I think it IS a bug

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:46 am
by Josh
Glad to hear they match up. If the problem arises again, we'll investigate further.
