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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:19 pm
by kemi

i'm using the beta version in a macbook pro and after using the other tracker available for OSX i decided to go for PT. Of course the control over stats is overwhelming campared to the other soft (but Pt is a lot more difficult to use), but i'm having a really hard time with the HUD.

- I can't resize it (I think i have to change font sizes)
- i can't move it. I tryied with the secondary click but its not working at all (will try the two fingers click)
- when i first enter a table i have to stop the hud and start it again to see it
- Sometimes Hero HUD is showing up, sometimes NOT.
- when i click on the HUD and the popup shows up all the stats are empty
- stats don't seem to be updating properly while playing
- is there a way to display the stat name at the side of its value (CB before the Flop Continuation Bet for example)?

i'm using beta v. 30.1 and osx v. is 10.5.8.

help is appreciated!



PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:13 pm
by tarix
kemi wrote:- I can't resize it (I think i have to change font sizes)

Yes, if you want things to be larger or smaller you'll need to adjust the font style and/or size.

kemi wrote:- i can't move it. I tryied with the secondary click but its not working at all (will try the two fingers click)

Two finger click-and-drag and right-corner clicking both work. We are going to add the standard Ctrl-click but it isn't currently in this beta.

kemi wrote:- when i first enter a table i have to stop the hud and start it again to see it
- Sometimes Hero HUD is showing up, sometimes NOT.
- when i click on the HUD and the popup shows up all the stats are empty
- stats don't seem to be updating properly while playing

The easiest way to deal with these is to enable logging and submit a bug report. See Submitting a Support Ticket and Poker Tracker Log Files. (Just skip down to the Mac information.)


PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:13 am
by kemi
Well, I managed to solve most of the issues doing Housekeeping... My main concern now is that I can't import EURO tables. This is the message I get:

PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100103 Ceplecha fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100103 Gehrels IV fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100103 Schilowa fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100103 Tautenburg fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100103 Zenobia fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100104 Aethra fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100104 Arenda IV fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100104 Demophon fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt
2010/01/19 01:36:51: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/imekoner/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/imekoner/HH20100104 Horus fast - €0.05-€0.10 - EUR No Limit Hold'em.txt

My Pokerstars is in English, but my Osx is in spanish. In another forum someone said that the OS language could be the problem. How is that possible? Any idea?


PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:24 am
by MartinB
kemi wrote:- Sometimes Hero HUD is showing up, sometimes NOT.

Same problem here.
It seems to be random if the HUD is showing up or not. Sometimes stats are visible for just one table out 8, sometimes for 2, 3 tables out of 8... sometimes only 3 stats for 6 players on the table...
Its not really traceable


PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:44 pm
by kraada
Please report your problems as well; the more data we can get on these issues the easier they are to fix.


PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:41 am
by kemi
Well, unfortunately i still get most of the bugs that went away when I did housekeeping. Hero HUD is not showing UP, the stats inside POPUP are empty and the other players stats displayed on the table don't get updated while playing (they stay the same all the time). And I also feel Poker Tracker really slowing down my machine while using the HUD. Its true that i have a more than 1M hands DB, but come on...


PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:53 am
by kraada
Please follow tarix's links to report the problem with logs so that we can investigate further.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:00 pm
by Z1P1

I have PT 3 since a few hours and I can't get it to sincronize my hand history on my MacBook Pro. I'm playing in PokerStars for the moment.

When I try to autoimport I get this:

2010/01/22 00:04:08: PokerStars: Unable to load hand history file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Bruchsalia IX - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt

And if I try to import manually I get this errors on every table:

2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import beginning
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Beira V fast - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Betelgeuse X fast - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Brigitta VII - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Bruchsalia IX - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import file: /Users/Z1P1/Library/Application Support/PokerStars/HandHistory/Z1P1NH0/HH20100121 Cantabia VII - 0,25$-0,50$ - USD Sin límite Hold'em.txt
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.
2010/01/22 01:39:17: Import complete. 0 hands in 5 files were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)
2010/01/22 01:39:18:
2010/01/22 01:39:25: Housekeeping...
2010/01/22 01:39:29: Housekeeping complete.

Unrecognized file format... What can I do??



PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:33 pm
by msbuss
Z1P1 wrote:2010/01/22 01:39:17: Unrecognized file format.

I had a similar problem today, but with Full Tilt. The file looked completely normal, but for some reason PT3 just would not import it, either automatically or manually. What finally did the trick was just opening the files in TextEdit, saving them, and closing them. The next time I tried to import them, it worked.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:25 am
by WhiteRider
You need to have PokerStars installed in English.
If you are playing at PokerStars.IT then your problem is fixed for the next release.
