Problem setting up Pokerstars autoimport

In the Auto Import tab
I click on Pokerstars, then click on the "pokerstars configuration" tab
right under "Directory Configuration"
it says in red letters: "Pokerstars is not configured to save hand histories to disk."
hand History directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokerstars\Hand History <--- that's the directory I have PT3 set to
I've double and tripled checked in my stars client, and it is set to save the HH's to that folder...
but that red warning will not go away
I click on Pokerstars, then click on the "pokerstars configuration" tab
right under "Directory Configuration"
it says in red letters: "Pokerstars is not configured to save hand histories to disk."
hand History directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokerstars\Hand History <--- that's the directory I have PT3 set to
I've double and tripled checked in my stars client, and it is set to save the HH's to that folder...
but that red warning will not go away