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PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:56 am
by Hopefull
My new computer was born with Norton Internet Security (3 month trial version) and yesterday I purchased it for a year.

After I've done this, I get this message when I try to open my PT3:

PokerTracker was unable to contact the registration server to activate your product.
Please make sure that PokerTracker.exe is allowed Full Internet access through any firewalls installed on your computer.
For more information on allowing PokerTracker Internet access through your firewall, please visit ... c=firewall

Norton Internet Secutity has a dynamic firewall, and I've tryed to switch that off but it doesn't helped.

What to do?

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:11 am
by WhiteRider
Did you read the Norton specific section of the Firewall Guide? Sometimes disabling a firewall doesn't actually stop it working and you need to add an exception for PT3.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:47 pm
by Hopefull
I have just uninstalled Norton Internet Security from my computer and then tryed to open PT3 again, but I still get the same message.

I can now conclude that my problem has nothing to do with Norton Internet Security.

What to do now?

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:39 am
by WhiteRider
I haven't seen anyone else reporting this and our registration servers are monitored 24/7 but I'll get the person in charge to check.
In the meantime please launch PT3 via the "Logging Enabled" option from the Start menu and report your problem. Your log file may tell us something and will allow our support techs to work with you directly to resolve your problem.

EDIT: have you re-booted your computer since you uninstalled Norton?

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:47 am
by WhiteRider
Please do this - we'll need to see your log file.

WhiteRider wrote:..please launch PT3 via the "Logging Enabled" option from the Start menu and report your problem.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:44 am
by Hopefull
Yes, I have rebooted my computer after uninstalling NIS.

But, how do I "launch PT3 via the "Logging Enabled" option from the Start menu" ? ... I mean, I can't open PT3 normally - I can only open PT3 if I choose a new trial version.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:12 am
by WhiteRider
The "report your problem" link explains how to generate log files.
In the Start menu > Programs > PokerTracker 3 you should have a "PokerTracker 3 (Logging Enabled)" link.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:22 am
by evovolvo
I have the same problem.
I have used Pokertracker for years and never had a problem before.

It worked fine yesterday but today it can't connect to the registration server.
I haven't changed anything in my system since yesterday.
No new firewall, antivirus or anything.

Edit: I have sent a ticket with logfile.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:55 am
by Learning Curved
I have same problem... cant open PT3 because it cannot verify my registration. Says make sure firewall has proper privledges. Asks if I want to continue in trial mode.

Worked perfect yesterday and for the previous months,.,, never happend before now.

Re: PT can't connect to registration server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:01 pm
by Dollyy
Have the same Problem since today.
