Hi fellow HUDiots. I've now read all the tutorials and tried what I could.Can't get my HUD working consistantly. Could have something to do with my initial loading of a few hundred thousand hands without doing proper housekeeping(live & learn). I've done the housekeeping over & over now and its working sporatically.
This is what ussually happens: I get playing on 4 or so tables of regular 9 player cash games. The HUD 'start automatically' box is checked.I turn on the Auto Import. Import status reads -
"Auto import beginning"
"Full Tilt: starting auto-import"
"Full Tilt: monitoring tables for rush poker"
"Full TIlt: found 8 tables to monitor" ... varies in number between 4 & 13 each time
"Full Tilt:loading hand history file: C:\program files (x86) etc... etc... and lists the tables that I'm on plus 4 more (give or take a few each time) Then it seems to proceed to draw hands from one table only, as they are played, about 50, then move to another table to draw. Only after it moves to another table does the HUD appear on players on the previous table... and some of them aren't even on that table anymore. And it is no longer updated. This continues through the other tables as well. Poker Tracker3 also usually refuses to turn off. I try 3 different ways to turn it off but its very stubborn.
I've read all the tutorial info I could find.
Is there a simple solution here?
What would I lose if I deleted the Tracker & re-installed it?
This is becomming an extreme distraction and is wasting some desperately needed playing time.
Please wave a magic wand to reallign this universe.
Thanks, Jo Mama.