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HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:29 pm
by adamg
Why can't I use the HUD while I'm not auto-importing? It seems that the "Start HUD" button is disabled unless one is importing. This doesn't make sense to me. Sure, it's true that usually you're going to be importing when using the HUD, but the two tasks are in no way dependent on each other.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:00 pm
by Josh
How often are you going to want the Hud without the hands being imported? I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want the stats updating.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:37 pm
by alonalbert
I think it's just a presentation issue. The start HUD button should enabled regardless of the auto-import but should start the auto-import when clicked.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:16 pm
by Sreip
Josh wrote:How often are you going to want the Hud without the hands being imported? I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want the stats updating.
When you are importing the hands on another PC, probably to reduce CPU overhead on the computer you are playing.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:22 pm
by Pilli
Josh wrote:How often are you going to want the Hud without the hands being imported? I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want the stats updating.
Another reason why this may be usefull:
You could use the HUD for table selection on sites that don't allow observed hands imported. You could quickly preview the players on a table by enabling the HUD and having a peek.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:27 pm
by adamg
Josh wrote:How often are you going to want the Hud without the hands being imported? I can't see any reason why you wouldn't want the stats updating.
I guess the use case is fairly limited. I ran into it when I wanted to test out the new HUD and couldn't because I wasn't playing at the time (I enabled Auto Import, but the HUD didn't appear to be working since I wasn't importing any hands).
I guess the fact that no one else has complained about this is probably a sign that it's an OK design, but I just don't see what harm it would do to have that button enabled and and still start (if stopped and "Start Automatically" is checked) when one beings Auto Import.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:44 am
by Josh
The auto-import routine was designed to use as little CPU as possible. On my computer, with just auto-import running, my CPU regularly stays at 0 CPU usage.
For sites that have auto-import capability, but don't directly support observed hand histories (like Stars and Party), PT3 will have a method that works alongside auto-import to obtain the player information.
The Hud relies on information the auto-import process gathers in order to function, so the auto-import will continue to be necessary.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:45 pm
by Sreip
Josh wrote:The auto-import routine was designed to use as little CPU as possible. On my computer, with just auto-import running, my CPU regularly stays at 0 CPU usage.
FLW. How many tables are you importing, 100+?
Josh wrote:Actually, you cannot have two PT3 instances importing into the same database at the same time. This WILL cause problems.
Would it be possible to run the import in ‘read only mode’. So you do not update the database, just activate the HUD.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:48 pm
by Josh
I've had auto-import importing from 12-16 tables before with very little CPU usage.
I suppose it would be possible to have the auto-import running without actually importing, but only if it's something that will be used by a good number of users.
Re: HUD has dependency on auto-importing

Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:34 am
by Sreip
How about if you could import into a different database to that which you are getting the HUD data from? E.g use observed hand history database for HUD while importing into personal database? (Although I still think a read-only option is best.)
By the way what goes wrong if you import into the same database from two computers. I have been doing this for the last fortnight and not noticed anything. PostgreSQL ought to be able to handle multiple access. Perhaps this could be fixed instead?