First In On Flop Filter - SQL Bug

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First In On Flop Filter - SQL Bug

Postby alonalbert » Sun Apr 20, 2008 10:56 am

I tried using the "First In On Flop" filter and PT3 returned obviously wrong results. It returned way to many hands to make any sense. I grabbed the SQL statement from the log file and examined it. It seems that it's missing the following join condition:

Code: Select all
holdem_hand_player_detail.id_hand = holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_hand

The (almost) full SQL is quoted bellow for reference (I removed most of the columns for clarity):

Code: Select all
SELECT (holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_limit)       ,
        (SUM(holdem_hand_player_statistics.amt_won))  ,
        irrelevant columns removed...
FROM    holdem_hand_player_detail,
WHERE (holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_player = 2)
    AND (((holdem_hand_player_detail.flg_f_open))
    AND ((holdem_hand_player_statistics.date_played >= '2008/04/19 11:00'
    AND holdem_hand_player_statistics.date_played   <= '2008/04/20 10:59'))
    AND ((holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_holecard IN (1))))
GROUP BY (holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_limit)

Adding the join condition fixes it.

If you run this on your system, make sure you either run it on a small DB or give very strict filters. I had to kill postgres on my machine because I ran it without any other filters on my full database and the would not complete.
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:32 pm

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