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Minor problem after manual import and unrelated crash beta 2

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:27 pm
by xmbs
I'm running Vista Home Premium, the first thing is very minor but I thought worth reporting because it might help, after I downloaded the beta 2, and then manually imported the hands already imported in the old database from the "processed folder" when the import was complete and I moved to the hold'em tab - no hands or players came up ( I had imported around 6,000 hands) and I needed to shut down the program and restart it - at which point it worked.

Soon after I was going through the hands tab and organized it on the amount won column after clicking on my second most profitable hand (which happened to be 33 in this small database) Vista brought a box up indicating that the program had a problem and would be shutting down (or words to that effect) which it then did. I tried to replicate this a couple of times but have not as yet succeeded.

Re: Minor problem after manual import and unrelated crash beta 2

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:30 pm
by APerfect10
[quote="xmbs"ijx]I'm running Vista Home Premium, the first thing is very minor but I thought worth reporting because it might help, after I downloaded the beta 2, and then manually imported the hands already imported in the old database from the "processed folder" when the import was complete and I moved to the hold'em tab - no hands or players came up ( I had imported around 6,000 hands) and I needed to shut down the program and restart it - at which point it worked. [/quoteijx]

We have not yet implemented the auto-refresh. You should click the "Refresh" button located at the top-right hand side of the window.

[quoteijx]Soon after I was going through the hands tab and organized it on the amount won column after clicking on my second most profitable hand (which happened to be 33 in this small database) Vista brought a box up indicating that the program had a problem and would be shutting down (or words to that effect) which it then did. I tried to replicate this a couple of times but have not as yet succeeded.[/quoteijx]

Could you please send this hand history to us via the [url=]PokerTracker Support[/urlijx] system so that we can replicate the problem and get it resolved for the next beta?

Best regards,

