New Install Not Tracking & NO Hud... HELP!!

HELP! I'm not super technical, but I was able to install the software and db. I fired up the software and started PokerStars. PT3 shows PS running, and the checkmark is evident in the "auto" column. The import "wheel" is spinning, but the hand counter is not incrementing, and no hud appears. PT3 is obviously not tracking the hands for the open table.
I chose a subdirectory in which to save the hand histories for PS, but that's all that looked obvious. Am I missing something? I'm running a Toshiba laptop with XP as the OS.
I haven't paid for the software yet. Is that the problem? Other softwares give you a couple weeks to try it out first before asking for the S/N. Here's why I ask:
2008/04/25 21:58:41: Auto-Import beginning
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Starting auto-import.
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Found 1 files to monitor.
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed\License.txt
Thanks for any and all support on this. I will monitor and reply as necessary.
I chose a subdirectory in which to save the hand histories for PS, but that's all that looked obvious. Am I missing something? I'm running a Toshiba laptop with XP as the OS.
I haven't paid for the software yet. Is that the problem? Other softwares give you a couple weeks to try it out first before asking for the S/N. Here's why I ask:
2008/04/25 21:58:41: Auto-Import beginning
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Starting auto-import.
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Found 1 files to monitor.
2008/04/25 21:58:41: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Program Files\PokerTracker 3\Processed\License.txt
Thanks for any and all support on this. I will monitor and reply as necessary.