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Allowed Limit Exceeded

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:47 am
by frogbomb1

At first, my englich is not so good :roll:

I install for ca. 30days the Trail Version and play texas Holdem on Pokerstras NL10 ca 27K hands. Sometims i look at higher leves but i dost play this levels.

Today i buy the Texas Holdem Micro lizence and registration PT.

When i now start PT i becom Following Message

"Allowed Limit Exceeded->
The active database contains hands or tournaments that are over the allowed limit.
This information will not be displayed.
Please upgrade to the full version to see this information."

and the Hud dosnt work. I reinstall PT (but i dosnt delet the config) but thats not the solution :(.

I hope you can help me MFG

Re: Allowed Limit Exceeded

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:43 pm
by kraada
That message only means that while in the test period you imported some hands that are above what you would be able to import with a Micro license.

What version of PokerTracker are you using? Due to a recent upgrade on their part, you will need to be using PokerTracker version 3.11.7 (available on our download page) in order for PokerStars hands to be imported properly.

Re: Allowed Limit Exceeded

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:36 pm
by frogbomb1
I use PT Version 3.10.

But the Micro License is not limitet to x hands, or?

When i understand you right i must only upgrade to version 3.11.7 and then i can more hannds importet and the hud working?

Re: Allowed Limit Exceeded

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:28 pm
by kraada
The Micro License is limited to only hands that are considered to be micro stakes - if you played a game of $5/$10 that would not qualify. But it can be imported in the trial - and if you had imported one in the trial you'd get that message now because $5/$10 is above the level of your registration code. There is no limit on number of hands.

You will need to upgrade to 3.11.7 in order for PokerTracker to work at PokerStars as a result of their recent update. All you need to do is download 3.11.7 and, with PokerTracker and PokerStars closed, run the installer. Then everything will work properly when you start things back up again.