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Pokerstars France problem

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:57 am
by steelerian

Pokerstars France did a software update yesterday, and since the update I cannot seem to find any stats in my PT3.

Then hands seem to be importing ok, but when I search in my TEXAS HOLDEM tab I cannot find my username in there. Also, no HUD stats are showing up at the tables.

Even when I manually request tournament history from the .FR client and then import them that way, nothing is showing up.

Do you have any ideas? Has anyone else had this problem?


Re: Pokerstars France problem

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:47 am
by steelerian
Since my OP above, I have installed the latest Beta version - v3.11.8.

Ive also been investigating further. Here is what I have found so far;

- I have my database set so that my default player name is my Pokerstars.COM name. All games/hands for the .COM name are being imported, no problem
- If I then search for my Pokerstars.FR name, the database shows all games played by my .FR name
- However, with my .FR name still showing, if I then go to the "Tournaments" tab, the 3 games I played yesterday (2012/01/14) show as lasting only 1 minute each, and it does now show any hands in the tournament hands window at the bottom of that tab.
- If, with my .FR name still showing, I then filter to show only games played on 2012/01/14, correctly it shows me only the 3 games that I played, but again no hands in either the "Hands" tab, or in the "tournament hands" window in the "Tournaments" tab.
- If I then clear all filters, go back to my .COM name, then reselect the filters for 20/01/14, and try to search for my .FR name, it doesnt find anything.

For an added experiment I have just played about 40 hands of cash games.
- hands imported correctly
- HUD worked ok

So, I am completely lost as to what is happening.

I will be playing another tournament session later today so will report back if problems still persist.

Re: Pokerstars France problem

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:02 am
by WhiteRider
If you have a problem with your next tournament please attach the hand history file to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate.

Re: Pokerstars France problem

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:35 am
by steelerian
All appears to be ok now since I downloaded the new beta version.

Thanks anyway.

Re: nike free 3.0 v3

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:29 am
by steelerian
briant wrote:Spam


Re: Pokerstars France problem

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:51 am
by kraada
It was spam - I've removed his post (and edited the spam out of your quote box for obvious reasons).