HUD Not Working For Multiple & Non-Default Databases

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HUD Not Working For Multiple & Non-Default Databases

Postby oracle3001 » Fri May 02, 2008 12:34 pm

I think there is a bug relating to multiple databases / non-default DB's and correct functioning of the HUD. I have created 3 DB's from scratch for beta 10, one my mainDB of my play, one the observed hands on ipoker and the 3rd the observed hands on party poker.

Now if I run the HUD with just the mainDB selected as the source for the data, it runs fine on both party and ipoker while auto importing and seated at the table. However, as soon as I select say the datamined hands on ipoker DB, something strange happens. I still get the PT icon at the top of the table, and the holecards for the hands, however all the stats disappear. I have tried this with a combination of main DB and observed hands DB as well , and the same thing happens.

In summary basically my HUD only seems to want to function properly when only the default main DB is selected as the source for the HUD.

Edit:- Just to add to this, and I don't know if it could be part of the problem, but I filled both the observed hand history DB's using the convert from PT2 DB, and the mainDB was filled using the PT3 import methods.
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Re: HUD Not Working For Multiple & Non-Default Databases

Postby Josh » Fri May 02, 2008 1:11 pm

This has been fixed for the next release.
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Re: HUD Not Working For Multiple & Non-Default Databases

Postby ngmcs8203 » Fri May 02, 2008 1:17 pm

Why would you want to keep your observed database separate from your main and from your ipoker?
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