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PT3 beta10 Auto-import not working

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:20 pm
by Alex0r
I have set up a new database but when i click 'Begin Auto Import' it loads the hand history files but then fails to load the hands:

Code: Select all
2008/05/02 21:14:33: Full Tilt: Loading hand history file: C:\Program Files\Full Tilt Poker\HandHistory\Alex00r\FT20080502 Willis (deep 6) - $0.10-$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em_1.txt
2008/05/02 21:14:35: Full Tilt: Unable to import hand (#6261037099). Reason: Unable to execute query: COPY holdem_hand_summary FROM STDIN;; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR:  extra data after last expected column CONTEXT:  COPY holdem_hand_summary, line 1: "211433   300   18   1229   6261037099   2008/05/02 20:12:55   2008/05/02 21:14:35   5   3   3   0   19.90   23.55   23.30   0.00..." )

it did this though all 800 hands of the session i just played and when i kept playing while importing gave the error right after the hand was played.

Re: PT3 beta10 Auto-import not working

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:21 pm
by WhiteRider
When you added the new database, did you set it to be active and default?

Re: PT3 beta10 Auto-import not working

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 4:34 pm
by Alex0r
ok i had a play around and found out i hadn't changed the drop downs 'Import Played Hands:' and 'Import Observed Hands:'

seems to work ok now