Full Til Auto-import issue

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Full Til Auto-import issue

Postby N0L1M1T » Mon Jan 28, 2008 8:50 am

I'm just starting out trying to get to grips with PT3. I am not an existing PT user but instead am looking to ditch PO for PT. So, that means I'm building my Db from fresh. What I've found is that auto-import has imported 4091 hands and then stopped though the import process is still running.

If you could help me to resolve this issue I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Re: Full Til Auto-import issue

Postby Josh » Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:24 am

I'm assuming you're still playing, but it's not importing? Did it say auto-import completed? Did it give any sort of error message or anything?
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Re: Full Til Auto-import issue

Postby N0L1M1T » Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:42 am

No error. This was importing from my hand history folder as my PO Db can't be exported to a sitable format(I believe). It may be that there's only that many hands in the hist folder, but it's not clear. It's the failure to terminate normally that gets me, makes me think there's more to be processed.

I stopped the import and continued from there but I don't know whether a chunk of history has been missed or not.

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Re: Full Til Auto-import issue

Postby Josh » Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:21 am

If you can repeated reproduce this, please attach the hand history files to a support ticket and I'll see if I can reproduce it. If I can, then I can fix it.
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