Display "Sessions - By Time" Bug

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Display "Sessions - By Time" Bug

Postby Paragon » Sat May 03, 2008 10:32 pm

I think I noticed a bug on the Sessions tab, when you choose to display "Sessions - By Time". If you click the header of the columns "Start Time" or "End Time" so as to sort the rows by those values, PT3 will accidentally chop off one of the sessions from your list.

For example, in one database I have sessions with a start time ranging from 3/31/08 to 4/21/08. When I sort by descending Start Time, the 3/31/08 session, which should be at the bottom of the list, is missing. When I sort by ascending Start Time, the 4/21/08 session, which should be at the bottom of the list now, is missing. Hopefully that makes sense and I'm not an idiot and getting confused :) Should be a simple fix.
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Re: Display "Sessions - By Time" Bug

Postby WhiteRider » Sun May 04, 2008 4:57 am

I've just tried this, and I did see it when I sorted and re-sorted by Start Time.
However, when I make the section a little higher (drag the separator between Sessions and Session Hands down a bit) it recovers and I can't break it again.
Restarting PT3 brings the problem back.
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