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Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Thu May 08, 2008 8:19 am
by Tirppa
After beta 10 and the database change the hud doens't draw everybody's stats. It draws them on some players and on others it doesn't. I have to click reset after every hand to make sure all the stats are displayed.
Re: Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Thu May 08, 2008 10:27 pm
by wabbl
Having the same prob here. After sb leaves the room, some stats are gone, some are still there.
Re: Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Thu May 08, 2008 10:29 pm
by tclark828
Im having same problem... plus the lag is pretty bad... anything over 6 tables is unplayable...
Re: Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Thu May 08, 2008 11:01 pm
tclark828 wrote:Im having same problem... plus the lag is pretty bad... anything over 6 tables is unplayable...
I was playing 4 with data mining about 14 more and timed out multiple times today because of the lag being so bad. Although it is my fault because I've wanted to see the new PT, I've lost a good chunk of money putting up with it vs. PT2 and PAH.
Re: Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Fri May 09, 2008 1:04 am
by MartialWay
I got same issue. I get about 6 tables up at most and no other table display stats. The lag is really bad. It is so bag at times that i am timed out of hands and folding cards I don't wan't to. This needs to be fixed soon. It is costing me money. I will be checking into other products if the issue is not resolved soon!!!
Please help ASAP,
Re: Hud doesn't work on Full Tilt

Fri May 09, 2008 3:21 pm
by Josh
We've got some changes planned that should completely eliminate lag. For now, try avoid using multiple groups, disabling session stat retrieval, and use a single, small database.