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Hud disappearing

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:18 pm
by ghaberman
Playing on Stars (just 1 table) I've had the hud partially disappear and sometimes completely disappear at times. If I click the little PT icon and go to Configure Stats and hit Apply everything comes back. In the first instance tonight, my stats along with 3 other players disappeared. We had all been at the table since the beginning. Then on 2 other occassions everyone's stats disappeared.

Also, I noticed if the program is minimized when the computer shuts down, the next time you open the program it appears as just a small title bar. You should probably look at the code that saves the last window size and make sure it doesn't save the dimensions if minimized.

Keep up the good work. It seems to be coming along nicely.

Re: Hud disappearing

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:37 pm
by Rollingdirty
Yes i am experiencing a similar problem. Sometimes it will just show one persons or maybe 3 but not all. When i have up ten tables some will be just fine others will show nothing etc.. I was just down to 4 tables, 3 were perfect but the 4th showed no stats but it did show the muck cards for that table. I have one friend reporting to me the same issue.

Re: Hud disappearing

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:03 am
by Gorilla
Rollingdirty wrote:Yes i am experiencing a similar problem. Sometimes it will just show one persons or maybe 3 but not all. When i have up ten tables some will be just fine others will show nothing etc.. I was just down to 4 tables, 3 were perfect but the 4th showed no stats but it did show the muck cards for that table. I have one friend reporting to me the same issue.

i got the same. stopping and restarting import helps.

Re: Hud disappearing

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:19 pm
by Josh
I'm aware of this problem and I'm working on resolving it.
