B11 HUD same problems

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B11 HUD same problems

Postby tclark828 » Thu May 08, 2008 10:31 pm

Still having the same HUD problems... stats disappearing, then reappearing, and the lag is pretty bad...cant play over 6 tables. Im running Vista, but not really sure if there is anything else i can do. I have another PC with XP...is there a way to transfer my database from my laptop to my desktop? any help would be awesome... i dont know anything about computers....

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Re: B11 HUD same problems

Postby jmflu » Fri May 09, 2008 5:04 am

I am having the same problems on my XP and I cant even really explain when it happens but it just kinda bugs out and goes away and sometimes starts bringing the windows to the front making it hard to click a button on an active table. Then dissappears re appears, and it was worse when multitabling definitely, when I was 6 tabling, it was only upating about half of them and they didnt even have teh HUD config box at the top like they werent being recognized.
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