Tournament HUD/stats problems

When I play cash, HUD operates fine, and PT3 performance is very quick.
However, when I play tournaments, the HUD icon appears in the window (this is for stars btw, i haven't tried this for FTP), however no stats appear. When I open the PT3 window to check on stats, performance is much, much slower loading/populating stats than the cash data. I've tried turning my HUD filters off. I'm sure my HUD is using the active database, and I'm importing the HHs into the proper database as well.
However, when I play tournaments, the HUD icon appears in the window (this is for stars btw, i haven't tried this for FTP), however no stats appear. When I open the PT3 window to check on stats, performance is much, much slower loading/populating stats than the cash data. I've tried turning my HUD filters off. I'm sure my HUD is using the active database, and I'm importing the HHs into the proper database as well.