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PT3 Hud Problem

Sun May 11, 2008 8:06 pm
by ReSpOnSe
my HUD stats are showing up in the wrong spot...Like I'll be sitting in the big blind spot but my stats will be in the UTG position...Is there any way to fix this?
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Mon May 12, 2008 1:25 am
by APerfect10
What site are you playing on? Full Tilt? Stars?
Are there any error messages being displayed?
Best regards,
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Mon May 12, 2008 1:32 am
by mossback1
I have seen this only once. After I relocated each HUD and Saved it, the problem relocated the HUD back to where they should have been originally. Wait a few hands to see if the HUD relocates on its own. It seems a little like the old Auto-Center hickup.
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Mon May 12, 2008 3:38 pm
by Glamredhel
I'm expriencing same kinda problem. All my stats shows fine, but in
the wrong spots. for instance at PokerStars tourney window, It's like
they are all located about as much horizontally too much left. I can't
find a place to move them into the right spot (that is, right below the
player name).
- Glam -
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Mon May 12, 2008 7:53 pm
by ReSpOnSe
This is on Pokerstars btw
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Mon May 12, 2008 8:08 pm
by ReSpOnSe
I figured out my problem...I start pokertracker before i sit in then after words I change what seat im sitting in but the stats stay in the same spot as when I joined, is there any way to get the stats to change spots when you change seat positions?
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Tue May 13, 2008 2:04 am
by APerfect10
ReSpOnSe wrote:I figured out my problem...I start pokertracker before i sit in then after words I change what seat im sitting in but the stats stay in the same spot as when I joined, is there any way to get the stats to change spots when you change seat positions?
No, we are not able to support this feature because there simply is no way to determine which seat you moved to. If you want to sit in a particular seat, you should use the PokerStars preferred seating which we are able to support and should work fine with PT3.
Best regards,
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Tue May 13, 2008 2:40 am
by mossback1
On starting at my first table for a session, I am now noticing that the HUD is now being located one seat off required position for first hand only (25% of time on full tilt), then it relocates with the second hand stats.
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Tue May 13, 2008 3:45 am
by WhiteRider
mossback1 wrote:On starting at my first table for a session, I am now noticing that the HUD is now being located one seat off required position for first hand only (25% of time on full tilt), then it relocates with the second hand stats.
Are you using the auto-center option on FT?
This is how it has to work because your seat information is not available until after the first hand history is written/imported.
Re: PT3 Hud Problem

Tue May 13, 2008 4:32 am
by Glamredhel
How about the wrong location of stats on Pokerstars? Has anybody else having
the same problems (1-table SnG, 9 plrs, turbo). The stats are located below
every player but too much left. How to move the stats to right place, that means,
to right.
Derek? Any advice?
- Glam -