Everest HUD problems

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Everest HUD problems

Postby Hollywood111 » Tue May 13, 2008 2:10 pm

I have windows XP, 1GB ram, 4800 mhz processor.

1) Stats sometimes disappear (after a few hands). Usually only some player's stats disappear (I play 6-max, and for example sometimes I can see only 2-3 stats). They re-appear if I reset. Also, sometimes the re-appear automatically, without resetting.

2) PT sometimes completely stops auto-importing new hands. It happens after 1 hour or more (and I play 3-4 tables). When it happens the HUD continue showing "old" stats, without refreshing. Also, when it happens the PC slows down (high CPU use) and PT canìt be closed normally (have to use task manager).

3) PT sometimes just closes without any error message. This problem is more frequent than the last one. It also happens after 1 hour or more. Last time it happened exactly after I won a pot (the hud showed the mucked cards for an istant, or maybe they didn't appear at all, and then PT closed), even if I don't know if this is random.

Sorry if I repeated already posted problems, but I couldn't find problem n.3 in this forum.

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Joined: Mon May 12, 2008 9:21 am

Re: Everest HUD problems

Postby APerfect10 » Wed May 14, 2008 1:20 am

Hello Andrea,

Thanks for posting these issues. We are aware of these problems on Everest poker and believe that we have already fixed these issues for the next release. If you are having similar trouble after upgrading to the next release, please reply back and we will further troubleshoot the issue. :)

Best regards,

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